Fabulously Fatigued

Feeling tired is such a common thing, in fact, I reckon that ''tired'' is a standard response to "how are you?" for the majority of millennial's out there and I'm pretty sure 'tired' is a student's most frequent state. But the difference between feeling tired and fatigue needs to be discussed. What happens when that lethargic feeling turn into something that can't be given a quick fix? When a nap can't solve all your problems? When you are unable to give something your undivided attention? Sounds like fatigue.

It's so difficult to distinguish, not just for victims but for onlookers. But I think if we start to educate ourselves on the difference we may be able to help and show more empathy for those who do suffer. How would someone be able to tell tiredness from fatigue? How is my lecturer meant to know that I sometimes I literally have no energy to function and get ready for the day ahead of me?

Those who are tired usually know that this can be helped by having a nap or an energy drink. There's no quick fix for fatigue. Fatigue is synonymous with not being able to carry on. Fatigue is  never ending, an ongoing conveyor belt of irritability, lack of enthusiasm and a clouded mind. Your body often feels heavier with every move, requiring effort and energy until you eventually (and rapidly) run out.

Although it's not such a hot topic, it's as relevant and significant as any other mental health issue, fatigue often goes hand in hand with conditions such as depression and anxiety. Symptoms are often similar, such as irritability and a loss of interest.  Some people (like myself) suffer from a condition either mental or physical that has triggered their fatigue; that constant state of survival, continually being in that fight or flight mode is exhausting.

Fatigue should be as acknowledged as any other condition out there and shouldn't be taken lightly. Fatigue has a detrimental impact on your health and both physical and mental well being. 


  1. I too have Ataxia for over 6 + years a fatigue and tiredness gets wise my lack of interest not wanting to much go any where leaves me feeling horrid
    As a child I had meningitis which gave me a bad start in life lack of wanting to go to school poor very poor results and work even worse taking mandane jobs but I made it now retired 73 life is slow slow slow like my walking or lack of it , with no mown cure I must as other sufferers get on and do what we can life is boring


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