Uni life w/ a twist

Today, the 25th September is national Ataxia Awareness day, it's also a week since I moved to University. I love it, every one is super friendly, super helpful and my biggest fear about starting (how people would react to my condition) has almost halved! I was so scared my condition would prevent me from enjoying everything but it hasn't, I've made an effort to accept it as part of me and by just casually saying "yeah thats why I've got a slightly weird walk" helps people to understand. Last year around 10% of the population had heard about Ataxia, lets aim for at least 40% by next year!
Starting Uni life with a disability was daunting, being away from my support network, my doctor, and all the other people who help me! I go to the University Of Sheffield, Sheffield is the most hilly place I've ever had to get around so I (very literally!) wouldn't describe it as a walk in the park for someone who finds walking a challenge but with the amazing and easily accessible public transport which conveniently stops 10 minutes from Endcliffe student village, getting around is more than doable! If you're in the position I was in around 7 months ago then don't worry! There is a lot of help out there...... click on this link https://www.gov.uk/disabled-students-allowances-dsas to make an appointment and find out what support you're entitled to. As parts of my DSAs (disabled student allowances) I get everything from taxi rides to equipment helping me with my academic studies!
Remember to do what you want, for example, I didn't go out every night but me and my flatmate had a girls night watching a movie and over indulging on popcorn, that way I was able to enjoy the following day and night.  Accepting my disability as (a tiny) part of Tallulah has ironically made me more able and deffo enabled me to enjoy this experience more!


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